Language teaching is one of the most dynamic markets today. The first generations of language teachers in Spain are already retiring, and schools of new creation need to make up their workforce.
But, how to access job offers? Searching academy by academy, sending the CV to companies without knowing if they have vacancies is an unnecessary waste of time. Today there are webpages that collect specific offers for language teaching.
Spainwise is the employment platform created by FECEI (Spanish Federation of Language Teaching Centers), the largest business association in this field. If you prefer a job in the public sector, in CEDE you can consult the places offered by public schools and high schools. Bear in mind that if you want a public job in Spain, you must be EU citizen.
The previous platforms are mainly focused on teaching English and, to a lesser extent, French and German. If your professional project is teaching Spanish for foreigners, we recommend that you visit Todoele‘s offerings, focused on both academies in Spain and educational centers in other countries.
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